A sense of homecoming

As we celebrate St George’s birthday on 9 October, the feeling that has been growing for me is one of homecoming. The feeling I hope will be experienced by all. The moment that you step onto the grounds at St George’s, the comfort of peace, affirmation, and excitement should be spontaneously sensed. Perhaps this is what Kind David referred to when he wrote, “I was glad when they said to me, ‘Let us go to the house of the Lord!’ [for] “one day in your house is better than a thousand days elsewhere” (Ps 122; Ps 84).

Following my letter a week ago wherein I ask every parishioner to get involved in the life of the parish, I want to follow up with some practical ways that you can do so. St George’s vision for growth include the following “Wishlist.”

A community of intentional discipleship

In the busyness of our lives, it is very easy to have our mental health deteriorate while dealing with daily pressures, resulting that we are simply existing, accepting whatever happens to us, as opposed to living intentionally and prioritizing our holistic, chiefly spiritual wellbeing. To some extent we must resist the consumerist culture that will eventually destroy meaningful relationships.

The hope is to establish a ‘new monastic’ community at St George’s, a group of people who find themselves, amid their secular occupations, grounded and part of a community that structure their lives according to intentional values. If this is something that you are interested in, let us know, and watch the space as more guidelines will follow.

Online church

St George’s has virtual members across the planet, connecting weekly from around the world, watching our services and following news on social media. This is an inevitable progression in the ongoing digital revolution, which if we neglect it will result in the demise of the parish.

Therefore, we have to develop a parish mobile ‘app’ that people can use in their everyday lives to receive prayers, inspirational talks, music, notifications of church events, receive online counselling when needed, and connect to others in the community. The cost for this app is R50k to R100k depending on the quality and features.


To diversify the income streams of the parish, we want to redesign and convert some of our office space for ‘commercial’ tenants. This is part of our sustainability strategy, ensuring that ministry can continue and be enhanced, better being able to sustain economic volatility. This is good investment. The cost is approximately R250k but has a ‘return on investment.’

Disability/baby station toilet

Accommodating people with mobility issues or providing a space to change a baby’s diaper is not only a common necessity but shows hospitality. By helping to install the proper facilities, is something that you can show compassion and perhaps even benefit from yourself.

These are extra ways that you can get involved, beyond your regular support. St George’s remains committed to serve the community.


Rev Eben