Dear Friend

Our sincerest sympathies to you, your family, and friends during this difficult time.  We will do our best to assist you in any way we can, and the process will be made simpler by your completion of this form.

Please note that a memorial service is not the same as a funeral service.  Memorial services cannot be conducted unless a funeral has been conducted first.  This means that the coffin must be present in the church for a funeral.

The exception to this rule only applies if the body was destroyed at the time of death or if the body is held for medical or legal reasons by the State.


(Please check the church schedule for available dates BEFORE inserting your choice)
(Please check the church schedule for available dates BEFORE inserting your choice)
Independent/outside livestreaming technicians/equipment will not be permitted in the church as experience has resulted in loss and damage to St George’s equipment and to the historic church building.
(please note that the church does not do coffin arrangements)

If your undertaker is arranging flowers for the church, please consult the church about bouquets and colours.


Popi Act: We respect your right to privacy and therefore aim to ensure that we comply with the legal requirement of the POPI Act which regulates the manner in which we collect, process, store, share and destroy any personal information which you have provided to us.