
Mothering Sunday


On the Fourth Sunday in Lent, we Anglicans observe Refreshment, Laetare, or Mothering Sunday. There is quite a bit of history and there are several charming traditions attached to this relaxation of the Lenten Fast.

During the sixteenth century, people returned to their mother church, the main church or cathedral of the area, for a service to be held on Laetare Sunday (so called from the incipit of the Proper Introit for this Sunday’s Mass in the Roman Calendar) "Laetare Jerusalem" ("O be joyful, Jerusalem"), (from Isaiah 66:10). Anyone who did this was commonly said to have gone "a-mothering" In later times...

Installation of disability toilet at St George’s


Will you help us to install a disability toilet at St George’s by help sponsoring this project?

We have realized over the last few years that one of the shortcomings in St Georg’s facilities is that the toilets are difficult to access for those in wheelchairs, scooters, and for those struggling to climb stairs. We have built a ramp that makes entry easier to the church, but we need to extend ease of access to the toilets. The plan is to build a disability toilet next to the hall with an extra ramp. The parish has...

A season of creation 

We are all in a better space as the pandemic abates. This does not negate that Covid-19 is around, but it seems like optimism is a powerful remedy in the fight against the coronavirus. St George’s has experienced change at an accelerated pace. There have been staff changes, many new parishioners, extensive alterations to the garden to create spaces of reflection and public gatherings, and pioneering ways of building St George’s global community. It is thanks to the parish’s forward-looking culture that we achieved so much. We cannot stop now taking risks, and the subsequent responsibilities...

A sense of homecoming

As we celebrate St George’s birthday on 9 October, the feeling that has been growing for me is one of homecoming. The feeling I hope will be experienced by all. The moment that you step onto the grounds at St George’s, the comfort of peace, affirmation, and excitement should be spontaneously sensed. Perhaps this is what Kind David referred to when he wrote, “I was glad when they said to me, ‘Let us go to the house of the Lord!’ [for] “one day in your house is better than a thousand days elsewhere” (Ps 122; Ps 84).

Following my letter a week ago wherein...

Something new is coming

This year I will be celebrating my third Christmas in Parktown. It feels like our perception of the world has changed dramatically in a short span of time. Across the world, in the aftermath of the pandemic, and the ongoing war in Ukraine, the cost-of-living crisis is forcing us to review our futures. In South Africa, the situation is exacerbated by loadshedding and the political scandal of Farmgate. Our pessimism diminishes our ability for hope.

Deep mistrust is the reaction of deteriorating mental health. Cancel Culture is...

Pastoral Letter on Giving

Money makes the world go round,’ goes the saying. For the church, the
relationship with money is a complicated one. While a lot has been said, a lot
more can and indeed should be said as spending habits and our attitudes
towards money change along with the culture. The church has often spoken
against materialism, which attracts criticism as it comes under scrutiny for its
own budget and ethical decision-making.
On the one hand...

Reflections on Zambia

Lusaka – a place, I believe, that is truly filled with God’s presence. A city that offers both beauty amongst the landscape as well as beauty within its people. Amongst the many things that our visit had to offer, there were two significant aspects that scored a mark on my heart and mind, and they are the good nature of the people with whom we engaged and the enduring invitation for spiritual progression.

I could possibly count on one hand the people...

Easter 2022 Letter

At the heart of our incessant productivity is the hope and belief that things will get better, mostly for ourselves in the pursuit of upward social mobility. The result though is that Millennials (those born from the early 80s) are the most burned-out generation, according to Anne Petersen, culture writer and researcher. The trend seemingly does not trail far behind for members of other generations. If you are reading this newsletter...