Meet Us: Parish Council


Below are the individuals that you as parishioners have chosen to take the parish forward at the vestry meeting held on the 5th of March 2023. 

Michelle Baird – Churchwarden

Michelles’ been at St George’s since 2005. For the better part of her stay at the parish, she’s been involved with the social outreach portfolio and was the representative on Council. Before St George’s, she was a member of the All Souls Anglican Church in Tsakane, East Rand where she worked closely with the youth group and held the Alternate Churchwarden portfolio.

Vision: Be more intentional about being more inclusive which allows for celebrating our diversity.

Contact details:

John Schultz – Churchwarden

John came to St George’s in 1987 after moving to Parkview and immediately felt at home here. He’s been on the Parish Council at various times and long ago he was even Alternate Warden. We have been blessed with outstanding clergy over the years, which together with the parishioners has helped to make this a special place.
He feels that he is much too old to help with the youth now but the parish’s care for children and young people has always been dear to me.
Vision: For the parish  to continue adding to its diversity without alienating anyone deliberately, supporting the clergy and continuing to build on our wonderful musical heritage.
Contact details:

Samukelisiwe Mlambo – Treasurer 

Samukelisiwe (Sam), who is forever wearing a welcoming smile is the church’s Treasurer. She is an Internal Auditor and a firm believer of keeping up with one’s reason WHY.

Vision: For the parish to excel in proper financial management in the church.

Contact details:

Teressa George – Director of Dedicated Giving

Teressa is a seasoned professional with versatile expertise in the Banking industry.
Believes honesty, respect and fairness goes a long way. She enjoys cooking, dancing, listening to good soul music.

Vision: To provide a clear, simple and understanding view of the giving (for financials) of the church. To add value.

Contact details:

Nobuntu Mpendulo – Social Outreach/Pastoral Care

Nobuntu came to St Georges in 2009. She was involved in the Turning point foundation, firstly in a supporting capacity before later becoming a board member of the foundation. She’s a founding member of the AWF of St Georges

Vision: To draw those who may have been neglected and those who may lack the means, to understand the role of the church within communities, irrespective of their religious affiliations, which is very important to her.

Contact details:

Boitshepo Menyatso – Youth Co-ordinator

Boitshepo, our soft spoken yet determined Youth Co-Ordinator is responsible for all GodEd and Rodean related activities. She’s hit the ground running and is doing an excellent job in her interactions with the children.

Contact Details

Ronald Unterslak –Worship

Ronald has been part of the St George’s Servers’ Guild for over 20 years. In his spare time, his greatest passion is reading.  His special interest is keeping up to date with Russian language, literature and culture in general, mainly via Russian television and e-books through the internet. His also an avid sport watcher, and has been virtually a lifelong supporter of Manchester United.

Vision: To build a cohesive team to make worship as meaningful and inclusive as possible for all congregants.

Contact details: