Pastoral Care

The Pastoral Care Portfolio strives to be a caring body, and works alongside the Social Responsibility Portfolio to improve the wellbeing and dignity of those in need. We also cater for the basic needs of people outside the St George’s Parish (physically, psychologically and socially). Occasional needs-based situations are also addressed by means of grocery hampers. Special efforts are made at Christmas time for those who are alone. There are also some parishioners who depend on lifts to church, doctors, and various other appointments and a lift club is in operation.


St George’s hosts the Anglicare meetings for our Diocese and has provided storage space for the library. There are two Anglicare counsellors at St George’s, Nomawethu Dingiswayo and Jenny Viljoen, but this facility typically seems to be underutilised by parishioners and most clients are referred from other parishes.

If you are need in counselling, contact us.

Marriage Preparation and Marriage Enrichment Courses

There is regular demand for marriage preparation courses since St George’s is a popular church for hosting marriages. Due to a shortage of suitable facilities, some marriage preparation takes place in the homes of counsellors. Chris and Daryl Jennings, Frank Einhorn and Jenny Viljoen are the marriage preparation counsellors at St George’s.